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New Studio

Encaustic Watercolors


Encaustic Watercolors

Open Studio

first friday ~ 2 november, 5-9pm

3979 Xavier st, denver 80212

StudioEeZimmer and The BirdHouse are up and running:

Come celebrate with us and sip wine while you tour the AirBnB, learn about ADU construction, and check out EeZimmer’s StudioGallery, currently showing watercolor landscapes.

Encaustic is a Greek word meaning “to heat or burn in” (enkaustikos). Heat is used throughout the process, from melting the beeswax and varnish to fuse the layers of wax. Encaustic consists of natural bees wax and dammar resin (crystallized tree sap…

Encaustic is a Greek word meaning “to heat or burn in” (enkaustikos). Heat is used throughout the process, from melting the beeswax and varnish to fuse the layers of wax. Encaustic consists of natural bees wax and dammar resin (crystallized tree sap).


New Studio Space for Ee Zimmer


New Studio Space for Ee Zimmer

It’s here. It’s complete. It works.

L&D Construction made it happen! Here’s our son Fenn’s time-lapse version which makes it seem an even faster process than it was, of course.

It’s an amazing space, and we spent the summer breaking it in (and busting our butts on landscaping). Stay tuned for an inside tour, and upcoming OpenStudio! FIRST FRIDAY, NOV 2, SAVE THE DATE!


Studio Construction

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Studio Construction

After a bit of a Family Hiatus from Social Media, we are excited to catch you up on the construction of StudioEeZimmer & the Airbnb!

First off, this little video-ditty about the concrete pour which actually happened way back in January! Next up- Framing the Space, and more details are already taking shape! L&D Construction is amazing, and so efficient- they work faster than we can keep up... Clearly. Anyways, concrete is an amazing material, so here is our testimony to the process: Enjoy. 

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Demo the Garage


Demo the Garage

Down it goes.

Out with the old and onwards with the new.

Construction of StudioEeZimmer's ADU begins with the new year. 



Courtesy Mendoza Used Brick and Demolition, via our excellent Contractor: L&D Construction

Check out our Fb page for our son Fenn's more elaborate time-lapse film of the demolition zone!  OR   @fennzimmeracting on InstaG;)




The engineer's stamp of approval. At last it's here. Thanks to Treo Architects and  L&D Construction's Sarah Senderhauf (Sales Manager, but so much more), the plans for our new studio are in the City of Denver's hands! Waiting for permits with bated breath. Well not too bated, as only time will tell when mayhem and destruction begins! Stay tuned.


Uber cool Treo Architects Sophia Rickard and Ed Shure poring over the initial plans:


Onwards and Upwards

Onwards and Upwards

Long have we dreamt of having a separate studio to work out of, as opposed to the current mess of a dungeon:

We have begun turning the dream into reality with Treo Architects:  blue-prints are being drawn, engineers are poring over designs, holes are being drilled into soil. Follow the chaos of building an “ADU” (Accessory Dwelling Unit) in our very own back yard! It will be a combination of Studio, Garage work-space, and Guest House!  Come visit…

This is the current quaint garage being devoured by weeds, soon to meet it's demise.