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Tennyson Arts District

Encaustic Watercolors


Encaustic Watercolors

Open Studio

first friday ~ 2 november, 5-9pm

3979 Xavier st, denver 80212

StudioEeZimmer and The BirdHouse are up and running:

Come celebrate with us and sip wine while you tour the AirBnB, learn about ADU construction, and check out EeZimmer’s StudioGallery, currently showing watercolor landscapes.

Encaustic is a Greek word meaning “to heat or burn in” (enkaustikos). Heat is used throughout the process, from melting the beeswax and varnish to fuse the layers of wax. Encaustic consists of natural bees wax and dammar resin (crystallized tree sap…

Encaustic is a Greek word meaning “to heat or burn in” (enkaustikos). Heat is used throughout the process, from melting the beeswax and varnish to fuse the layers of wax. Encaustic consists of natural bees wax and dammar resin (crystallized tree sap).


Studio Construction

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Studio Construction

After a bit of a Family Hiatus from Social Media, we are excited to catch you up on the construction of StudioEeZimmer & the Airbnb!

First off, this little video-ditty about the concrete pour which actually happened way back in January! Next up- Framing the Space, and more details are already taking shape! L&D Construction is amazing, and so efficient- they work faster than we can keep up... Clearly. Anyways, concrete is an amazing material, so here is our testimony to the process: Enjoy. 

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